We think that Twitter has the potential to be a social media website changes the world. However Under Jack Dorsey’s leadership it has become a propaganda tool to advance Progressive Liberal Agendas and restricts the Free Speech of opposing viewpoints. Jack’s management selectively enforces its rules by harshly punishing users with Conservative and Right Wing political viewpoints. This uneven application of suspensions and permanent bans that only targets Right Wing opinions and viewpoints seeks to deplatform the ideas that Jack disagrees with. This website exists to share information about how to avoid those punishments and gives some of that power back to the people Jack has tried to silence.
One of the best ways you can fight back against Twitter is by blocking Sponsored and Promoted Posts from their advertisers and reducing their income stream. Jack may be deeply committed to his political views, but his Board of Directors and Shareholders aren’t.
The link below downloads a copy of the most recent version of our Twitter Advertiser Block list, it was last updated on 9/22/2019 and blocks 9945 Twitter Advertisers, you can access the file directly using this bitly link http://bit.ly/blockadvertisers. For information on how to install and use the list see the Installation Instructions.
Twitter Advertiser Block List (ZIP) -