Google maintains a history of every search you've ever done, and every video you've ever watched on YouTube, every location you've ever visited with Google App on your smartphone, and every picture on your phone or computer you've ever given them access to. They use this information to build an advertising profile of your likes and dislikes. There is a growing body of circumstantial evidence that they are using this information to personalize your search results and to try to influence your opinion and try to make you more accepting of progressive liberal viewpoints. This is explained in the leaked Google video The Selfish Ledger .
To prevent your search history from being used against you there are two strategies, avoid using all Google products, or pollute Google's data to the point to make it impossible to use against you. We think it's impossible to completely avoid Google they are too well integrated into modern society for that to really be possible. However polluting Google's data stream is something you can do with the Google TrackMeNot Extension .
We suggest setting it to Avg Query Rate much higher than a human could ever search (our is set to 5 queries per minute). Use the RSS feed as it includes different current events into your queries making them look more natural. We also suggest using the "bomb", "porn", and "pornographie" lists, because it will give you plausible deniability for any searches law enforcement would be interested in. Lastly, we also suggest the keywords monitored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), again the more disinformation in your search history the better.
(Editors note we aren't affiliated in any way with the extensions listed above, so if you want to be a dick and attack them that's all on you.)
You should NEVER have any Google App or YouTube App installed on any phone you actually use, it tracks every call you make, every place you visit, every person you are near, and every website you visit.
See our other articles on blocking other tracking scripts and polluting your search history.
- All Websites: How To Block Social Media Websites From Tracking You
- Twitter: Block Twitter Tracking
- Twitter Ads: Block 9945 Twitter Advertisers with our Twitter Advertiser Block List
- Google Analytics: Block Google Aanalytics Tracking
- Google Search History: Pollute Your Google Search History
- Facebook: Block Facebook Tracking
- Block Ads: See fewer ads with AdBlock Plus